Patrón Tequila Summer Music Festival Series

Snap Chat, AR Design, MoGraph

In the summer of 2019, Patrón Tequila raised a glass with many music lovers in a collaboration with music festivals across the U.S. Patrón wanted to turn up the volume at 6 different music festivals with custom branded SnapChat lenses.

Our lenses received fantastic engagement and our creations were featured on Camera IQ’s blog about best practices. Camera IQ was a vendor who help me bring these lenses to life. Due to the high customization and creative approaches I was asking for, their team interviewed me about my creative process for this blog post.

★ Interviewed by Camera IQ for an article about AR creativity.

Art Director: Myself and Andrew Rutkowski
Designers: Myself
My role: I designed, built and collaborated with the Camera IQ team in the construction of the lenses. I executed all of the motion graphics and video work.

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